12th February 2020 Edition One. In this edition: Clean Up Australia ,
Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust AGM. Beecroft Probus Lifestyle Forum .
Bushfires and the Coronavirus.
Recent Development Applications.
Latest Police Reports.
New gantries on Pennant Hills Road.
Latest News from STEP.
Message from the President I
hope to secure a meeting with our State Member for Epping and NSW
Treasurer Dominic Perrottet very soon to discuss various local issues.
In the meantime the Trust met with one of Dominic’s advisors last week
to go through various outstanding matters. It is important that the
Trust works collaboratively with our elected members of government, from
Federal through to local. We met with our Federal MP Julian Leeser
before Christmas and are regularly in touch with the Mayor of Hornsby. I
hope that over time the Trust will develop similar strong relationships
with Parramatta City Council. This is a continual process that develops
over time and I believe the Trust is achieving that goal.
At the time of writing I have no further news on the retention of the
Beecroft Station ramp, the M2 noise amelioration, or the haulage road
rehabilitation, but discussions are continuing and when appropriate, you
will be informed. However, a seniors housing development that was
refused by Hornsby Council, this one in Wongala Crescent, is being
appealed on Friday 21st February. The Trust, as an original objector, has been given the opportunity to speak at the onsite conciliation meeting.
coming Wednesday night Hornsby Council will be recommending the
adoption of two strategic plans; the Waste Matters strategy and the
Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS). The LPLS will be forwarded to
the Greater Sydney Commission for endorsement before being submitted to
the Department of Planning as part of the State Government’s
accelerated LEP Review process. Council’s reports and attachments can be
found in Council’s minutes. Click Here.
Finally, the Trust’s AGM will be held In March. Details are below. I
will be stepping down as President after three years, in accordance with
the Trust’s constitution. I encourage residents who are
interested in the health of our two suburbs to attend and also consider
joining the committee.
Clean Up Australia –Sunday morning 1st March 2020 The
Trust has again registered the Beecroft Village Green as an official
site. The Trust will set up at the BVG BBQ area for registration
between 9am and Noon. Bags will be available. Please wear
outdoor clothes and shoes, hat and garden gloves. Many of the
items that need to be picked up will be dirty. All welcome
Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust AGM 2020 – Tuesday 31st March 2020 The Beecroft Bowling Club has been booked for Tuesday night 31st
March 2020 for the Trust’s AGM. Please note the date in your
diary/calendar. We intend to provide updates on current issues
including the local planning scheme review, Beecroft Station ramp, m2
noise and Byles Creek open space studies. If there is anything you
wish to raise with the Trust prior to the AGM, please contact us at secretary@bcct2119.com.au
Beecroft Probus Lifestyle Forum:
10th March from 4.30 pm at the Beecroft Bowling Club Beecroft
Probus has a double-header for its next Lifestyle Forum: “Avoiding
seven deadly planning mistakes” – every estate plan has unique features,
but the same and avoidable problems and mistakes occur; and “Investing
for Income” – with interest rates at their lowest levels ever, something
has to give: less income or more risk.
Two excellent speakers, two important topics. Admission $15.00 per head inclusive of snacks and a drink.
Visitors and guests are most welcome.
Phone Robin Graham, Beecroft Probus – Tel 8411 3023 Mobile 0413 315 827
Bushfires and the Coronavirus Below are two links submitted by one of our residents that may be of interest to our readers.
1. Bushfire Smoke Survey Summary results are shown AU-wide graphically via the link below that the Trust might circulate: Click Here
2. If you have friends or family who wish to track coronavirus, please invite them to join Flutracking at: Click Here This virus has symptoms similar to other influenza-like-illnesses. FluTracking will start early this year.
Also we thought it worthwhile to publish the following message issued by
the Queensland Department of Health that we obtained through the
Justices of the Peace Branch.
Queensland Health has updated advice for those who have recently travelled to China:
Contacts of any confirmed novel coronavirus case must self-isolate for 14 days following exposure.
Returned travellers who have visited Hubei Province of China need to self-isolate for 14 days after leaving Hubei Province.
Self-isolation means staying at home and not accepting visitors.
This is a precautionary measure following new advice around the time frame people may be contagious before showing symptoms.
If you have travelled through China in the last 14 days, please follow
the above instructions and excuse yourself from any volunteering
commitments over the coming weeks.
Anyone with the below symptoms should visit a GP immediately:
Flu-like symptoms such as a cough, sore throat or headache
Difficulty breathing.
call ahead and advise of your symptoms and recent travel before your
appointment so the clinic can take necessary precautions.
Anyone with questions can also phone 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) or consult your GP.
This situation provides a timely reminder to protect yourself and others through good hand and respiratory hygiene including:
Cleaning hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rubs.
Covering your nose and mouth with a tissue or flexed elbow when coughing or sneezing.
Avoiding contact with anyone who has flu-like symptoms.
Avoiding unprotected contact with live wild or farm animals.
Further information will be provided as it becomes available from the Chief Health Officer.
Kind regards,
Damien Mealey Registrar and Manager Justices of the Peace Branch
Recent Development Applications The
Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust's Web Site now has links to recently
submitted Development Applications in the 2119 postcode area. This
page will be updated with every eNews publication. CLICK HERE To access them.
Latest Police Reports
for the latest reports. Just a reminder that these reports are
regularly provided by the Ryde Police Area Command which includes the
entire suburbs of Beecroft & Cheltenham.
New gantries on Pennant Hills Road Some readers have asked about the newly installed steel gantries across Pennant Hills Road near the M2 and at Normanhurst.
These gantries are part of the NorthConnex tunnel project with cameras
to monitor trucks on Pennant Hills Road. Details are available on
the Transport NSW website. One of our readers has provided three links
with varying degrees of detail. Click on the links to access the
details. Click Here, and Click Here, and Click Here
Annual Memberships for 2020 become due in March... CLICK HERE
Keep our two suburbs strong and informed by being a member!
To support or join the Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust, please visit our website. CLICK HERE.The
eNews has become our main method for disseminating information to the
community. Currently we have over 1040 email addresses, up from 900 two
months ago. We encourage residents who receive the eNews to tell
their neighbours and friends. The eNews letter is available to all
who subscribe. Trust Membership is not a requirement.
The eNews archives are available HERE. To subscribe to the eNews: CLICK HERE.The Trust has always had an unwritten policy to assist any resident regardless of their membership status.